Hello, I am

Suman Malik

Front end Designer | Developer

Who am I ?

A Web Designer / Developer and Started Journey Through CODE!!!

a skilled professional who designs, builds, and maintains websites. Use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual layout, functionality, and interactivity of websites. Collaborate with designers and clients to ensure that websites are user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing. Troubleshoot and debug issues to ensure different browsers and devices compatibility. Plays a crucial role in bringing digital experiences to life on the internet.

Personal Info

  • Birthdate : 29/07/2003
  • Email : sumanmalik2907@gmail.com
  • Phone : +91 6290232268
  • Linkedin : suman-malik-repo
  • Address : Kolkata, West Bengal, India

My Expertise

Graphic Design

2 years of experience in canva

Web Development

Building Projects with MERN Stack

Digital Marketing

Getting Leads since juuly, 2020

My Resume


2023 - Present

Backend Developer

Now, I am a Backend Developer at Health Hepta Pvt. Limited, where I specialize in creating Node applications and connect with database, work for various projects.

2022 - 2023

Full Stack Developer

I am a proficient full-stack developer specializing in the MERN stack. Currently, I contribute my expertise to Parolim One Solutions, where I play a pivotal role in developing comprehensive solutions.

2021 - 2022

Android Developer

I work as an Android developer at PaperGone LLP, specialize in creating innovative and user-friendly mobile applications for our clients.


2023 - Present

Computer Science Engineering

As a dedicated college student at Dumkal Institute of Technology in the region of Murshidabad, West Bengal, India, I am committed to excelling in my academics while actively pursuing personal and professional growth through independent endeavors. Enjoying hostel life, traveling and exploring tourist places in Murshidabad.

2014 - 2022

High School Degree

I'm a regular student at Manasadwip Ramakrishna Mission High School(2014-20) [Grade: 84.6%] and also in Sundarban Janakalyan Sangha Vidyaniketan(2020-22) [Grade: 91.4%]. At my School time Explored more than 20+ places in Gangasagar, West Bengal.


MERN Stack
Graphic Design




Hours Worked


Project Finished


Happy Clients


Connected People

My Skills

Version Control

I am a seasoned professional in the realm of Git, GitHub, and version control. With years of hands-on experience, I have honed my skills in managing and collaborating on software development projects with precision and efficiency. Whether it's tracking changes, resolving merge conflicts, or maintaining a well-organized repository, my expertise in these essential tools ensures seamless and robust version control, contributing to the success of software projects.


My meticulous attention to detail, strong communication skills, and proficiency in various documentation tools enable me to deliver comprehensive and user-friendly documents that meet the highest standards of quality. With a proven track record of producing clear and concise documentation across diverse industries, I am dedicated to ensuring that information is effectively conveyed and readily available to support organizational success.


My extensive experience encompasses automation, continuous integration, and continuous delivery (CI/CD), allowing me to bridge the gap between development and operations teams effectively. With a deep understanding of modern DevOps tools and practices, I am dedicated to optimizing software delivery pipelines, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring the stability and scalability of IT environments. A culture of continuous improvement make me a valuable asset in any DevOps team.


With a deep understanding of the problem-solving process and a wealth of experience in various fields, I excel at identifying and implementing the most suitable solutions for any challenge. My expertise allows me to approach problems from multiple angles, ensuring that the solutions I provide are not only practical but also tailored to meet specific needs. Whether it's in business, technology, or any other domain.


I am deeply committed to my career growth and view continuous learning as an essential part of that journey. I believe that staying dedicated to expanding my knowledge and skills is not just a personal goal, but a professional obligation. I actively seek out opportunities to enhance my expertise and keep abreast of industry trends, demonstrating my unwavering dedication to achieving success and making a meaningful impact in my chosen field.

Basic First AID

I am confident that I have a strong foundation in the basics, making me well-prepared to take on expert-level challenges. My dedication and commitment to mastering the fundamentals have equipped me with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle more advanced tasks and excel in complex situations. I am excited to embrace these challenges and continue my journey towards becoming an expert in my chosen field.

My Portfolio

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Latest News

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Suman Malik Repo: A Journey Through Code

By: Admin 234 123

I am Suman Malik, but in the vast digital realm, I’m known as Suman Malik Repo. My journey into the world of web development began with a curiosity for the intricate language of the internet.

From a young age, I was drawn to computers and their limitless potential. It was during my early years in school that I discovered my passion for coding. HTML and CSS became my canvas, and JavaScript my brush, as I delved into the world of web development.

My journey as Suman Malik Repo has been a thrilling ride through the ever-evolving world of technology. With every line of code I write, I strive to push the boundaries of what is possible and to create digital experiences that captivate and inspire. As I continue on this path, I am excited to see where the ever-changing landscape of web development and software engineering will take me next.

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Make your path

By: Admin 456 264

Hello, fellow bloggers and aspiring web developers! Today, I want to share my personal journey as a student navigating the intricate world of web development. As someone who’s passionate about both blogging and web development, I’ve found that these two worlds can beautifully intersect. In this blog post, I’ll take you through my experiences, challenges, and triumphs as I pursue my dream of becoming a skilled web developer while maintaining my blogger identity.

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My Journey from Student to Web Developer: Pursuing Dreams in Code

By: Admin 431 312

Hey there, fellow learners and aspiring developers! Welcome to my personal blog, where I’ll be sharing my exciting journey from being a student to becoming a web developer, with ambitions of venturing into the world of software development. This blog aims to provide insights into my experiences, challenges, and the skills I acquire along the way. Buckle up, and let’s embark on this incredible adventure together!

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Get in touch

Phone :
+91 6290232268
Address :
Kolkata, West Bengal, India
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